Project Results

Multiplier Event in Turkey


As METIS Genclık ve Spor Dernegi, we worked with the "Molla Evi" center of Kemalpasa Municipality, which serves disabled people. These activities were part of the "Draw Your Emotions" project. The main theme of the activities was about expressing the daily emotions of people with disabilities. We chose two topics for this purpose.

The first one was to evaluate the reactions of disabled people when they see the paintings drawn by famous painters.

Looking at the paintings we prepared in advance, the students expressed their feelings by holding up cards of different colors. We then gave the floor to the young people who wanted to express their feelings verbally.

In the second study, we made the young people smell the scented substances we brought with us and observed their reactions.

In both studies, the reactions, participatory behavior and high imagination of the disabled people surprised and delighted us.

At the end of the workshop, small gifts and participant certificates were given to the participants. The surprise of the day was that the young people brought delicious homemade food to share with us.

All the activities were completed with great care and enjoyment under the supervision of the trainers.

Download METIS's agreement


"In recent months, the Dalhena Association has given several workshops on emotion management at the San Juan de Dios Home in Granada (Spain). This is a private centre for adults with disabilities. The building consists of three specific activity units: a day centre, an occupational day centre and a residence for severely affected users. We participate with the users of the occupational day center, since they provide useful activities to people of working age who, due to their disability, cannot access an ordinary or special job to improve their personal and social adaptation, offering them work tools and enhancing their capabilities, needs and concerns, based on their individual characteristics and always under the prism of respect for their individuality, human dignity and ethical values.

The workshops have been given to groups of 15 people and in them we have used all the teaching resources that can be found in the Project Guide. Because some participants have wanted to repeat, we have created new resources to offer them a different workshop.

The participants had some type of mild or moderate physical disability, which did not prevent them from actively participating in the activities. The center's caregivers also collaborated and participated in all the activities, thus creating a pleasant atmosphere in all the workshops.

Both the San Juan de Dios Social Home and the Dalhena Association (representing the Draw Your Emotions project consortium) have expressed their interest in continuing to participate in joint activities in the future.

The conclusions of our participation in the workshops are as follows:

- The didactic resources that we have designed for this project are very useful to work emotions with people with disabilities.

- The activities may modify some aspects to better suit the profile of the participants.

- Drawing is a good tool for managing emotions, and has many possibilities.

Download Dalhena's agreement


Download Hexagonale's agreement

Draw Your Feelings

"Draw Your Emotions" project, is a unique initiative designed to empower and support individuals with disabilities in recognising, managing and expressing their emotions. This project brings together a collaborative effort among various partners to create a comprehensive guide of didactic resources aimed at facilitating emotional exploration and growth for disabled individuals.

Emotions play a crucial role in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviours and overall well-being. For individuals with disabilities, understanding and effectively expressing emotions can present unique challenges. It is essential to provide them with the necessary tools and resources to navigate and engage with their emotional experiences confidently.

The "Draw Your Emotions" project recognises the power of art and creativity as universal languages that transcend barriers, providing a means of communication and self- expression for people with disabilities. By harnessing the therapeutic potential of drawing, this project seeks to promote emotional intelligence, enhance self-awareness and foster emotional well-being.

The collaboration between partners from various fields, including special education, psychology, art therapy and disability advocacy, ensures a comprehensive and inclusive approach to supporting individuals with disabilities in their emotional journeys. By combining expertise, knowledge and experience, this project strives to create a rich and diverse set of resources that cater to the specific needs of different disabilities.

The guide of didactic resources developed through this project will serve as a valuable tool for educators, caregivers, therapists and individuals. It will provide practical exercises, creative activities and step-by-step instructions to facilitate the recognition, management and expression of emotions in a safe and engaging manner.

Through this project we aim to promote inclusivity, empower individuals with disabilities and foster a supportive environment that values emotional well-being. By encouraging the use of drawing as a medium for self-expression, we hope to unlock the untapped potential within each individual and enable them to navigate the complexities of their emotional world with confidence and resilience.

We invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery, creativity and emotional growth through the "Draw Your Emotions" project. Together, let us empower individuals with disabilities and create a more inclusive and emotionally literate society.

Download the PDF for the rest of the project